smb italia  omeopatia oggi


Omeopatia oggi :: Omeopatia ed immunologia :: Bibliografia


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"Immunomodulator activity of very low doses of thymulin in mice” Bastide, doucet - jaboauf, Pelegrin, Dorfman. INT. JOURN. OF IMMUNOTHERAPY, T3, N1, 1987
"Pharmacological study of thuyone in mice: antitumural and immonomodulatoring effect of very low doses.” Karouby, Doucet, Boudart, Bastide, CANCER DETECTION PREVENTION, T11, N1, _ 2, 1987
"Immunostimulating and antitumural properties of thuvone.” Doucet, Karouby, Carriere, Dorfman, Bastide. IMMUNOBIOLOGY, T174, N3, SUP. 1987.
"Immunostimulating and antitumoral properties of thuvone.” Karouby, Bourdard, Douylliez, Doucet, Bastide. IMMUNOBIOLOGY, T173, N2 - 5, 1986
"Immunomodulatory activity of thymulin and alpha - beta mouse interferon on the specific and no specific cellular response of C57 BL/6 and NZB mice.” Daurat, Carrieré, Douylliez, Bastide. IMMUNOBIOLOGY, T173, N2 - 5, 1986
"Activity and Chronopharmacology of very low doses of physiological immuno inducers.” Bastide, Doucet - Jaboeuf, Daurat. IMMUNOLOGY TODAY, 6, N8, 1985
"action of very low doses of biological immunomudalators on the humoral immunes response in mice.” Doucet - jaboeuf, Pelegrin, Sizes, Guillemain, Bastide. INT. JOURN. OF IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, 7, 3, 1985
"Influence du prétraitement avec une diluition infinitesimale d’immunserum anti - membrane basale glomerulare sur l’excretion protenique urinaire induite par l’injection unique d’immunserum anti - membrane basale glomerulaire chez la souris.” Cambar, Malvaud, Cal, Desmouliere, Guillemain. NEPHROLOGIE, 5, 89 1984
"Evalutation de la dose limite d’activitè du facteur thymique serique.” Doucet - Jaboeuf, Guillemain, Piechaczyk, Karouby, Bastide. C.R ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS, SER 3, 259, 1982